Wednesday 3 September 2008

Trust or Not

Trust in your developers and business analysts....but at the same time plan for when things go wrong. When you get opinions the nature of things is that developers give positive estimates of when things are going to be delivered. Plan for the software to be late and plan in contingency.

If you plan with that in mind, then should things go pear shaped you can pick up the slack and get things completed correctly on time.

Business analysts give the testers the basis for testing but confirm the information and dont be afraid to raise questions over areas that you dont agree with. Nothing is worse than getting a product that meets everything requested only to find that its not what is needed.

A good example of this is a manager requesting a computerised system for a hotel booking system but only having the budget for 1 computer. With 4 people working on the checkin desk this would mean 3 people sat around with nothing to do all day. A business analyst should pick up that the current paper based booking system would be more efficient and that the money could be better spent elsewhere. If they dont pick up this then who else is there?

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