Sunday, 16 November 2008

Last Minute Testing

Every time a release comes round it always ends up leading to last minute testing. For me this time it started with me coming back from holiday and having to test two systems that should already be in test. Had I done any data or test prep the clear answer is 'NO' was all the correct and accurate documentation provided the clear answer again is 'NO'. 

So how to approach this in a way that doesnt compromise my work. There are many ways but two that i will mention here.

1/ You could on the basis that it is in test and the correct documentation and requirements are not provided reject the application hand it back to development and remove it from the release.

2/ You could create a document that scopes what you will be testing and why based on the information that you do have and provide this information to the project and development leads. This will mean that you have provided clear details on what you will cover. Following this you should also produce a risk log of some description that is also provided to the project and development leads. This risk log should contain information of what was not provided to you and any areas that you fear might have been missed, it might even state testing was restricted due to the lack of time provided.

Some people would say that this sounds like covering your own back should anything go wrong. I would say that this is ensuring that you maintain your integrity and demonstrate you have done the best job that you can. Also listing the risks in this fashion brings them to the attention of project leaders so that they might be able to come up with some kind of mitigation.

This kind of information being produced and circulated means that should anyone question your competence or your coverage. You can provide all the documentation as to the process that you have followed and why. 

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